This is Zach's District!
Standing where President Hinckley stood, he served his mission here!
Dear Family and love ones,
i get out of the mtc next week on wednesday we are taking a coach (bus) up to scotland so a 3 hour coach ride this week was great, i am learning so much and have been focusing on observe listen and discern, oh friday was great and no i did not see elder davis in manchester however me and Elder caleria went forth on the train our DL and companion talk to a lady who had lost her dad and had been catholic all her life and as they taught the plan of happiness she was really interested and as they said a pray with her before she got of the train she just started to cry and it was really awesome, so me and my comp. decide that we would always talk to someone every 60 sec so we couldnt get scared and were always talking to ppl it was a great experience we just went to work and talk to everyone and my comp. gave this guy from nigeria a book of mormon and if he would have asked him he probably could have had a baptism but oh well i talk to a french athesias which was fun and we had a good talk for about half and hour, and i think i confused him pretty good and hopefully he will start thinking about god an his existence, we also talk to a young girl who had a little girl and she was never married and been part of the church but she felt that the members had judged her pretty hard and thats why she left, but as we talked about the plan of happiness and invited her to start reading the bom and as we said a pray she felt of the saviors love and hopefully will start coming back, gospel true and the bom can change anyone's life its so awesome to just sit down start talking to some random person and after small talk you relate to them with a gospel principle and then everyone just opens up to you its like the best feeling ever i still struggling on discerning with the spirit but as i keep studying and obeying it will come so not to worried, although we had good experiences we also had some bad ones to haha we talk to some college student from swiz and he started whipping out bible scriptures and bible war tactics and me and my companion were like uhhhh uhhhh yeah but yeah he had a issue as most ppl do why does he let bad things happen to good ppl and as we shared with him scriptrues he kept looking to just fight us so yeah we just left, haha however ours was not as bad as some other elders as they talk to a lady who said to them that she had magical powers and was a seer and started to go all crazy and preach to em haha that was like the best story from friday, oh i also got confronted by a drunk man cause in manchester they let prisoners out at noon so by the time we get to town at 2 they are just completely wasted and yeah that was fun as we were teaching the young mother i kind of just took the drunk away so my comp. could keep teaching the guy spat in my face and kept yelling at me where was his beer and why i didnt have it so yeah good old fun i tried to give him a bom but he just pushed me out of the way and then complase right on the ground so yeah good ole fun haha i almost got hit by a train or tram cause in england i quickly learned that there is no difference from there roads and there side walks so as we were walking and i was lookin for someone to go talk to the tram just kept honking at me and i didnt even hear it till my comp. grab me and threw me out of the way haha so yeah just some dumb american country boy my comp. probably hates haha awww no he is such a great man very humbled, i have also taught my district a couple dance moves here and there and in my district it is me my comp. two other companioships of elders and then one set of sisters so yeah very small and yeah its just small so i see elder richards all the time. sunday was great we went out to the church history sights and saw where all the first saints were baptize and where herber c kimball and wilford woodruw did there missionary work and went to this church that was built in 1400s so yeah pretty old and yeah it was great went to president hinckley mission to and sis walker talk about her dad and it was just really cool to see all the history and such faith all the saints had and how they saved our church out in the west, and when they had there first baptisms over 7000 to 9000 ppl came to see what was going on just awesome i love this work and i love the spirit and how it just guides everything that i do uhhh i cant wait to get out of here the days seem forever but the weeks are flying by!!! its crazy i hope all is well, oh yeah are district we have found that we are the losers cause we havent gotten any mail from anyone sense we been here and everyone else has had letters and packages hahah but thats alright we just laugh it off and get back to work, it was great cause saturday i had just a great big headache and i just kept saying to myself forget yourself and go to work and i had it all day but by night time i just realize i never really notice it then the next day on sunday we learned about president hinckley and how his dad wrote him forget yourself and go to work haha so i was like wow the lord works in mysteries ways, i often ponder as such great men have came and performed many miracles and wonder if i give myself unto the lord what will he have me do or want me to accomplish and as president hinckley did in his apt. he prayed and told the lord he would give himself to him and serve him all of his days, and i have prayed to him and have talk with him and decide i will serve my god the rest of my days and it will never be about me, so thank you for love and if i can help you guys or my friends in anyway let me know i kno i am not much but with god by myside i can do all things!!! Love you all, idk if ill be able to write ya next week on tuesday cause we will be packing up and having devo. all day and what not so i will write yeah all when i can and tell yeah when i have reached the mother land of Scotland!!!
Love your favorite redhead!!! Elder Waite