well sounds like sacrament was fun yesterday, thats awesome preston got his blessing, and yeah he will make a great influence on his family, keep on him and let him know i am always here and love him!! how is geof doing? mom need and address to write him? also address for jesse and michelle, colton and lyndsey, josh and carlie, so i can send you guys pictures of heaven on earth!!! also mom if you are going to order off amazon.co.uk you need a phone number so yeah 07800614769, so yeah just put that down as the phone and then my perth address and yeah thatd be great!! still havent gotten my new card so yeah ill be alright though, my DL said your package is hear so i will get it tomorrow during district meeting!
ok my success stories for the week are well this week was really different we had exchanges on tuesday so i went to dundee with Elder smithers my zone leader who is training and is the only zone leader so yeah would not want to be him right now but yeah great guy. Dad got a question for yeah?? what would you say to someone who's son decide to have a sex change and now is a girl? haha yeah we taught a lady who doesnt come to church cause we dont accept transgenders so yeah haha but yeah it so sad over here cause the weather is horrible and so everyone is always sick cause they drink and smoke and all the kids have health issues and sense health care is free the nhs which sucks!! just horrible everyone we teach always has a problem and the men over here are ridculous and do not understand what it means to have the preisthood so every mother raises the family and has like 2 jobs and the husband just go off get drunk and just take up space and ugh thank you so much for the wonderful family you raised mom and dad i know we werent perfect but thank you for everything you taught me and spent time with me!! idk what i can do for them so many things we just cant do just got to sit back and watch and pray for em!! but some good news paul one of our potential investigators has been FOUND!!! he apparently went out got drunk and wasted pretty bad that when he was walking home the police thought he was handicapped and put him in a mental hospital haha so yeah haha but this week we had like no success cause on thursday we had zone conference so yeah after we went on exchanges again so my comp. left for kirkcaldy so i lead the area but by the time we got back we just had a book of mormon class that night so yeah not to bad but yeah friday was good, saturday all of our appts. fell threw so spent some time finding and yeah in sacrament yesterday we only had 1 investigator come to church so yeah and during the whole sacrament meeting we had this crazy two old ladies who just talk thee entire time so yeah that was annoying but our branch president made them feel really bad after it haha he's so great everyone is not afraid to make fun of anyone here haha but yeah we went and taught elenor she was a member when she little but then left and yeah she just got baptize this last summer and shes such a saint and we taught her about the temple and it was such a great lesson! the spirit was really strong, and then we taught another about eternal marriage which was really great was a little hard talking about the family cause made me really miss yeah but i know i am suppose to be here so yeah but i really do love you all, thank you for all the letters from up at the cabin really made my day!!! and for grandma's postcard from alaska so grateful for our family!! this thursday we went to president ferrans, the branch president home and taught our invertigator with a bap. date the restoration and when we walk out we saw the stars!!! which i was true grateful to see again havent seen them for a month so yeah so grateful for the gospel i do not know where i would be or what i would be doing without it. i still have no idea what i am doing out here but i try everyday to bear my testimony and share something about the gospel!! love my comp. oh yeah we might get bikes here pretty soon so yeah but who knows not for sure!! LOVE you all!!! keep on preston dad! thanks for everything mom let me know how is kelan doing? and keep me updated on kelsie's soccer games!! haha love you All!!!